Manganese ore
Manganese is a very important agent being used for many applications; however, metallurgy and related industries are among those where the use of manganese plays the most important role. Our commitment to manganese ore consumers derives from clear understanding of importance of the quality of products and sustainability and reliability of supply chain
Manganese ore is a crucial input component used in ferroalloys industry while ferroalloys are successively used in steel industry as a unique additive employed to impart special characteristics to steel. The Group is delivering diverse spectrum of manganese ore from various destinations. We are flexible in terms of delivery and other commercial arrangements thus we do believe that any requirements – even most demanding – could be met and satisfied
We deliver manganese ore mostly to its end users which are ferroalloy plants. Our in-depth and hands-on expertise and experience in ferroalloy industry allows us to understand with the highest resolution the needs and requirements of ferroalloys producers and offer them most suitable and appropriate solutions. Moreover, we very carefully keep our eyes on market developments and trends and timely adjust our proposition to the customers in order to support the value we are keen to deliver
If you are interested in purchasing manganese ore please contact us

The Group earned a reputation of the reliable and trustworthy partner among both suppliers and consumers of manganese ore. Our purpose is to add value to the supply chain by introducing ingenious commercial, managerial and financial arrangements that bridges the incentives of suppliers and user of the products
From a mono-source supply model the Group has expanded its operations and currently is running manganese ore business throughout 3 continents. We were adding new procurement sources because our customers demanded that various grades of ore to be supplied as that was necessary to suit their production and marketing needs
Due to the vast expansion the suppliers and customers base the Group was able to escalate the volume of manganese ore delivered annually over
1 million tons with satisfaction and loyalty of all stakeholders involved also persistently growing. Today the Group is enabled to meet many various requirements regarding manganese ore supplies

We do believe that eventual diversifying of our manganese ore procurement sources may allow us to better match the needs of our customers and offer them higher value; thus, we are always open to consider offers for supply of manganese ore. However, we believe it looks obvious that the interests of our customers shall go first in course of such offers considering and offers that perfectly suit the interests of our customers shall be selected
If you are interested in supplying manganese ore please contact us
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